Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Aftermath!

Hmmm. I think that sums it up nicely. It was, well, interesting to say the least. Shame about the fact that the pact that Sarah and i had about chucking people out if they were rude or too drunk, couldnt extend to the friend of Sarah's who was staying here last night. She was a nightmare. In fact all of Sarah's friends were. Im sure that they are very nice people, WHEN THEY ARE SOBER! Gosh, i dont appreciate a bunch of 18 year olds coming into my house and calling me and my friends a bunch of c***s. Not only do i hate that term, but come on, get over yourselves. Perhaps i was wrong that at 18 and 23 people could mix happily. The younger kids just hung out in the kitchen complaining if we came in. My friends all gathered around the table on the patio, until... the ogre's wife next door sticks her large unwanted head over the fence and yells that if they dont shut up she'd call the police... Interesting threat, considering it was the first thing she had said. So that is the line i am maintaining. They came inside as soon as they realised they were bothering anyone. Stupid woman. Right, i guess i should begin to clear up a bit. I think my sister has done a lot already but i must collect up bottles for the bottle bank. Its a little unfair that i didnt drink anything alcoholic at all but i feel as sick as anything this morning. Gar! And i have early starts all this week! La La La.

Ps all credit to my sister, who handled her stupid friends well, even when i had to have a go at one of them.

Pps. I won the bet over how many of Sarah's friends would be sick... 1, tho yes Emma you have a case to argue - he was sick plenty enough for 2!!


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