Saturday, April 21, 2007


Recent events in the news have got me pondering...
How closely linked we all are. A few weeks ago i was driving thru Woolston with some friends and we drove through a marked off murder scene... we were slightly on edge, but other wise unaffected. But yesterday, i discovered that the young lad who was stabbed was in fact the cousin of one of the kids i work with...
Then we hear today that a 19 year old girl has been murdered onsite at Butlins Minehead, where only a week ago we where worhipping God together as One People.
A 12 year old was called in to decapitate a man thought to be a spy out in the middle east...
What is going on in our world? Are we separate from all this? I dont think so... We are more involved that we think. We need to call on God... Only he can save our land.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Spring Harvest

Was cool...
We had awesome weather... we were actually able to sit out on the beach (never before done at SH! Minehead in April is usually freezing!)
Have built good relationships with those who went and got to know them better. God had plenty to say, as usual! Also spent too much money - oops! But overall we had a good time. I'm so tired now tho and its straight back to the grindstone with the AGM and the noise! I'm preaching and leading at 2 different services in one day! I knew it was coming but it does look a bit scary on the preaching rota!
To top it all off, i have a cold... i think i caught it from Helen... blah!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

24? 24! 24! That's very old!

Yep, I am now 24... old!
Had a lovely day yesterday with friends. Was working but we (Me, Ali, Lynn, Ruth, Kelly and Saz) went for a nice lunch at the newly revamped Heath (v nice!), and then had drinks there in the evening... Was great to have all my friends in one place... 16 of us (we sooo ran out of chairs!), I am nursing a slight headache today, but there we go!
Good Friday tomo... need to finish the Holy Smoke notice board before the service...hmmm!
Out for a meal with friends on Sat for mine and Laura's bdays (I love it when birthdays are extended!), and Ruth and i are off to Spring Harvest on tuesday...v excited!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Soul Sista Momentum

Was great! We had a great day, 4 of us went, lots of laughs, learning and worshipping God... Its all good!
Can't stop... got to get to church... apparently I'm doing a quiz... I hope its already written for me! Or I'll be frantically scribbling on my notice sheet during the reading!