Thursday, October 18, 2007

Ok ok ok ok, i be rubbish!

Yeah yeah yeah, i havent updated for ages and ages! Well, Kathryn and I are happily settled into our new flat, its still nice! We (st Andrews) took 23 to Soul Survivor, that was great, it had its ups and downs but we survived and God spoke to us. As a result i will be sleeping in a slum for the whole of next weekend... hmmm! We will be raising money for Soul Action and you can sponsor us here. We will be simulating slum life, through eating a limited diet, and facing challenges like the slum dwellers would face, we will build and sleep in our slums.
Other than that, things are plodding along nicely, we are running a non-halloween spud party at church, going to Youthquake, having a youth alpha away day, a couple of bowling trips, a formal dinner, a grill the panel, and several other things and then before we know it it will be christmas, that's a little scary!
Well, i think that is it really, please keep praying for me, things are busy and i use that as an escape... but pray i can find the time to hear His voice.


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