Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Cranium, Starlight express and a write off...

Saturday night, was brill! Went to Laura's with Emma and Kat... ate chinese, played cranium and trivial pursuit... cant remember the last time I laughed so much! Definately good for me!
Last night I went to see Starlight express with Luke, Kathryn, Tash, Debbie and Simon... 3rd time i've seen it... it never gets old, i love it!
On a low note... some idiot in a van with a trailor wrote off my parents car for them and didnt bother to stop... No one was hurt, but what an idiot!
Been to see Amazing Grace tonight - really good, thoroughly recommend it!
It's been a very up and down few days, one step forward, eighteen steps back??

Friday, March 23, 2007

Born for this...

Just returned from seeing one of my young people in a production. It was a protrayal of the Passion, through mine, dance, song and dramatic reading, was very powerful and Lizzy was awesome!
I also saw my year 6 teacher! Quite strange, but good to catch up on things...made him feel old tho!
Tomo, i am going to rest, crack on with my application form, and then chill with friends in the evening.
Yay! Praise God, Nicky is home and on the mend!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Flyers - it's really happening!

Yay! Our flyers have arrived for the Youth event! Yay... so excited, but scared!
(Flyers designed by Rob Pannell - He's amazing! robpannell.com)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Shopping :)

We've been shopping today! Fun fun fun! Have chosen my birthday presents... a digital camera and a brown leather filofax :> yay! I love birthdays! I have a nice new jumper too...
Hmmm today has been a bit materialistic me thinks...
Child protection meeting this evening... not sure what to expect... hopefully some resolution for some difficult situs...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Pottering around...

Just mooching around really. Currently waiting for the printer to finish printing my 11 (yes 11!) page application form... blah, praying for motivation to fill that one in! Need to contact my old uni too for references and proof of qualification and all that jazz.
We (me and the 'rents) are going out later... as sibling of joy invited boyfriend round for lunch and failed to tell us... pff!
Streetwise later and then tomo is busy! Pathfinders in the morning, me leading, Holy Smoke on Coffee, Mothering sunday lunch (i really need to do some wrapping!) and then Holy Smoke in the evening! Phew, that's going to be a long day!
Right the printer has finally finished... even tho i asked it to print last page first, it didnt, gar!
Prayers please for Nicky and family...

Friday, March 16, 2007


I have had enough of people taking advantage of me and other people, of just assuming that people will do things without actually asking them first. Then who ends up being called up and asked what's going on? Me! Grr... I'm not the co-ordinator... I'm another mug being used.
Sorry, rant over... But I'm not going to sit back and let it happen again... either this stops or I'm out of this situation.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Weekend away, preaching, busy busy busy!

It has been a busy few weeks... (ok so more than a few weeks!). We have just returned from the Holy Smoke weekend away... Actually an amazing weekend! God blessed us so much. The kids were great, the leaders even better! Can't thank Ali enough (she knows why), and the whole thing just rocked!
The weekend before we had the informal service, again Holy Smoke out did themselves and pulled off an awesome service. ''Prayer' - do you really know what the Lord's prayer is about? Do we just say it cos we know we should. I was pleased with the way my sermon went and we are now looking ahead, forward to the all age worship service in May and the Informal service that follows the noise project.
The last few months have thrown many things at us, including: the club X sleepover - a crazy day in Basingstoke with 20 kids!, the resignation of a staff member, and a very ill vicar (who is now on the mend). On the up tho, we have set up a 20's group locally, its going really well and is a huge answer to prayer for each of us involved.
Right, today is my day off, and its also nearly Mothers day so i need to go shopping...